The Kinn


The Kinn are the descendants of a species of Ar-Ra'd dragons known as the Dracos Transmutam dragon, which means the transforming dragon. These dragons were said to have been created by Democrethious, the god of Wickedness, and that they are his demons whom he has sent to do his work in the mortal world. The Transmutam Ar-Ra'd dragon was very different from other dragons. These dragons could alter their shape into a demon-like form unique to each member of its species. This demon form is said to be their true identity, and that these dragons where in fact demons in their pre-mortal existence. They had two bodies and appearances; they had one form that was common among its species, a body that it dwelled in the majority of the time to hide their true appearances. However, when desired or angered, the dragon could change its shape into a different form- its Kcrux guise, a demonic forms that it could metamorphosis into at any time. Each of these dragons had a different "Kcrux guise." As well these dragons had certain powers and weaknesses: they were extremely vulnerable to iron weapons, but they were highly resistant to Magike.

Over the centuries, the Dracos Transmutam dragons evolved until eventually five sub-species were created. Their appearances changed, as well as their once common attributes, powers and weaknesses. During the war of the races when the dragons changed into humanoid forms, the five types of Transmutam dragons separated into tribes according to their sub-species. The humanoid forms of Dracos Transmutam dragons became known as the Kinn. Over centuries of evolution, each tribe slowly developed and spread out to inhabit different areas of Khardan. Many of those from the Kar-Jun tribe went north to the Black Dunes and other members of its tribe immigrated south to the Iquas ice shelf. Some tribes split up to form their own civilizations and others stayed huddled together around one large area.

There are five tribes of Kinn on Khardan. Each tribe has a different appearance, but a similar way of life, and society. Each Kinn, however, has his own Kcrux guise or 'demon form.' The tribes have different abilities, weakness, and powers. The statistics listed below are common for all tribes of Kinn and will be modified by the tribe that the player chooses for his character. These modifiers will be included in the description of each tribe. Players making Kinn characters will use the health point distribution table listed below.

Kinn Tribes

Kar-Jun Horde

The Kar-Jun Horde is one of the biggest and most dominant Kinn tribes on Khardan. There are three factions of this tribe: the Kar-Juns of the Black Dunes, Maiyn Jungle and the Iquas Ice Shelf. During the War of the Races the tribe split up and many migrated to the south, while others move to the northern Black Dunes. Both groups are similar except for in culture and skin color.

The Kar-Juns are known among the Kinn as the nobles and warriors of the Kinn tribes.

Kar-Juns are a broad, sturdy people of humanoid appearance with an average height of 5 foot 11 inches for males and 5 foot 10 inches for females. Male Kar-Juns have no body hair, and females have hair only on their heads. As well Kar-Juns eyes are completely white, for they have no pupils, this however does not result in any hindrance of vision. Kar-Juns from the Black Dunes have a bronze skin color, and those from the Iquas ice shelf have a white almost gray skin color.

Kar-Juns are known for their large fortified cities in the Black Dunes, Maiyn Jungle and Iquas shelf. They are skillful architects and engineers and are well noted for their dark ornate cities and demonic statutes that surround them.

Kar-Juns have a complex social hierarchy that involves the use of slaves as money. Slaves are extremely common in Kar-Jun society; they will frequently raid small villages and take women, children and young men captive for slavery. A rich man in their society has lots of slaves. It is common that slaves are stolen from others in Kar-Jun society.

Women play an important role in Kar-Jun society, for they are dominant in both religion and magike. Only the women can be priests or high level wizards. But only men can command armies and hold ruling positions. However, both men and women can take part in the military force of Kar-Jun society. The tribe is ruled by a high level female wizard, a priestess, and one male war leader. These three make the decisions of the tribe with the advice of their advisors from each section of their society- military, religion, and magike.

Kar-Juns are very ritualistic and superstitious people who live life in worship supernatural forces. In the Black Dunes the Kar-Juns live in great stone cities and live very harsh desert lives. They are very war-like, waging war at every chance that they get. They are always at war with the Dek-Var Arakashas. They are known to commit atrocities of murder and torture, worshipping pagan gods and constantly at war. They are, however, wholly part of the Otapi'sin culture in their way of life and beliefs.

Kaa-bal Tribe
The Kaa-bals are said to be the guardians of the Kinn leaders and society. Members of this tribe are said to dwell all over Khardan, and are not confined to just certain regions. Some groups have even been found as far as the northeastern Nektarucu lands. And it is said the large tribal area is in the islands of the Sea of Dreams. Manon wastelands are also a known area inhabited by members of the tribe.

Kaa-bals are a tall, slim, but muscular people of humanoid appearance, and a height known to reach almost 7 feet tall. They have a light blue skin colour with deep blue patches all over their bodies. Kaa-bals may change the colour of their skin in order to chameleon into their surrounds, however, it is an enduring process which costs 3 points of endurance for every round the chameleon ability is maintained. As well Kaa-bals have sharp facial features and an eye color that varies like that of Humans. Kaa-bals have a purple-black hair color that is usually kept long as a sign of the days that they have lived.

Kaa-bal society is completely sub-terrianian. Their homes are built in underground caverns, which are all linked together by large tunnels. This networking of these tunnels allows the tribal members to have an extremely defensive society, for in danger they can travel to safety through their underground tunnels and give early warning to others. Kaa-bals also live in little light, they can see in complete darkness and, therefore, make little use of it; it is usually used for religious purposes only.

Kaa-bal society is ruled by magike, and the tribe is lead by a single leader, proficient in magike, who is usually a sorcerer. The tribal leader rules in all aspects of the society, including military, and religion. Under the leader are his advisors, most of whom are women (usually his wives), skilled in either military tactics or in the art of magike. Women play an important role, however, they are considered to be less important then men. Males may take one or more wives, and may treat them as they desire, but the women raise their children and advise their husbands. It is really the women who have the majority of the power: they are their husband's advisors, the mothers of their children, and have much more influence than given credit for.

Kaa-bals are very honorable and fatalistic people. They live life by a strict code of honor, which governs all their social laws. Kaa-bals code of honor is as follows:

  • complete allegiance and homage to their leaders and to lord Democrethious
  • death before dishonor
  • never disrespect other peoples holy ground
  • one must never mock another
  • all men's wives must be honored

All members of the tribe follow this code of honor, and when the code is broken it is punishable by death, and/or torture. If someone is wronged they have the duty to meet the other in mortal combat. Otherwise, the Kaa-bals live by the Otapi'sin culture.

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